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Why MediHub E-Health Service


Health care services in Bangladesh has remarkably improved in last one decade both in Government and private sector. However COVID-19 has led to a dramatic reduction in the numbers of patients seeking care in both planned and non-urgent procedures and surgeries. It has been observed that many patients are scared to visit health facilities fearing COVID-19, which is also true for doctors, where they are scared about attending patients to avoid risks of infection. This leads to significant negative consequences, be it increased patient expenses, patients not reaching the right doctor or not getting the appropriate investigation, and also an erosion in the doctor-patient relationship. Also there are some grey areas related to treatment decisions, where doctors are not sure of the best way forward for the patient and how they would resume treatment in post pandemic practices once ‘normalcy’ is restored.

COVID-19 has forced the health service providers and service seekers to consider alternative options such as E Health or telemedicine. MediHub has emerged to seize this challenge and help building stronger relationship between doctor-patient. As part of its Covid response MediHub offers two service packages namely E-Health and E-Pharma. Please visit our website for further details.