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Sat - Tue: 9:00AM - 5:00PM Fri: Closed
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Advancing better living


MediHub has duel meaning. Medi stands for medical or health related services and a facilitator between parties involved in some sorts of financial activities. Hub would mean, an effective center to perform the above services.

MediHub is an initiative of resident and non- resident Bangladeshis. It focuses two basic needs of an individual or a group of people who are service seekers or service providers in the society. We bridge them with knowledge, information, technology and service.

MediHub Healthcare Service

MediHub in healthcare, facilitates to provide best customized services according to your choice and requirement. Our E-Healthcare provides primary, preventive and specialized healthcare service for you and your entire family, especially for elderly person in the family with chronic conditions and aging health concerns. Through our online system you would access to our duty medical officer, general practitioner and top ranking specialists or surgeons of different departments in home and abroad. We have set up advanced online facilities to guide you and provide advice on best available options for treatment that you can afford.

E-Pharmacy- we also have online medicine and commodity delivery system.

MediHub Education & Skill Development Service

Through this department, we support women, youth and young professionals and students intend to study abroad. Our services are tailored to address your specific requirements. 

MediHub SME & Startup Service

MediHub business research team has over 15 years of work experience with donors and banks. We provide mentor ship, and advisory services to SMEs, especially to grow and sustain their business. Our team of experts are dedicated to work in developing your business plan, book keeping and assist access to low cost, formal finance.